February 7, 2007


Originally uploaded by gennabby.
With 12 weeks left until our due date, this is the state of things: My belly feels smaller in the mornings and larger by the evening/night time. I'm still riding my bike to school, but I'll cut that out as soon as I feel less balanced. Hopefully that wont happen for at least another month and a half. I don't want to ride the "gimp wagon" (a service the school will provide to people who have broken a leg, sprained a toe, etc.), but I'll do it if necessary. Baby kicks a lot every day, particularly when (s)he hears Abby or Matthew yammering. We toured the Birthing Center in Davis this week. Abby was fascinated! She came home with all kinds of doctor's gear (including an umbilical cord clamp, which I'm hoping does not end up clamped on anything vital)and has been practicing on her baby dolls. This kiddo is READY to be a big sister!

I know I have been slow to blog, but between teaching a class, taking a class, researching for a prof, wife-ing, mothering, and gestating, I find myself fairly worn out most days. I think to blog often, but then I decide that the quietude of just resting is more appealing. All is well; we are enjoying the wonders of preparing to be a family of four--the talks, the laughs, the belly-watching, the role-playing...life is good.

our 5 year old young lady

new dress
Originally uploaded by gennabby.
Sweet Abby wore this dress (from her grandmother) for her 5th birthday party. I couldn't resist blogging at least one photo of her in it! An update on Abby: She is getting ready to start attending a private school! Beginning on March 1, she will go to Merryhill School. (Anyone interested in contributing to the cost of this is welcome to do so! We figure that we will be able to actually afford private school in 2 years, once we get "real" jobs). Since Abby can already read, and since she is beyond the public school Kindergarten curriculum in other areas too, we decided to look for a better fit for her. We are thrilled with the school we've found and are tightening the (figurative) belt in order to afford to have her there--this as belts become a far off memory for me with my growing belly... Anyway, we will have to post pics of Abby in her uniform (as soon as we get one for her).

looks like a teenager

looks like a teenager
Originally uploaded by gennabby.
Abby likes to listen to music as she falls asleep. Usually this involves me singing, but she also likes listening to CDs. We put the music on a different player now (after finding her crashed out with the headphones still on), so that she isn't sleeping with wires. But this image made us laugh. Our kiddo is really growing up!