March 7, 2007

Butterfly week

ready for school
Originally uploaded by gennabby.
It has been a good week so far! Abby is learning about butterflies and is getting ready to study the life cycle of frogs. (I did spy a jar of tadpoles in her class yesterday). She is clearly learning about things she's interested in; just last night I asked her to close the back door to keep the "skeeters" out (mosquitos). She proudly said: "Momma, I know something that will make you feel much better. You don't have to worry about the boy mosquitos at all. They are not interested in biting you. Only the girl ones will bite. See, so you don't need to worry about the boy ones!" She is also coming up with all kinds of funny phrases lately. I walked out of her room for a couple of minutes, and upon my return she said, "It is so nice to have you back again." I think she's about as cute as they get! We're really enjoying our kiddo, and we're confident that the timing of bubba #2 will be a great fit for our whole family! Times like these make me realize how and why we do everything that we do in order to be a family--I'm so thankful for my Matty and Abby. Speaking of Matty-- I woke up this morning (after going to bed, exhausted, at 9:30 last night) to a sparkling clean kitchen. And over the weekend, he took some 10+ loads of laundry (our usual laundry PLUS all of the baby stuff from storage) to the Laundromat and brought them home clean and FOLDED! He and Abby have been having raucously good times playing games, and he and I have been enjoying mornings out for coffee after dropping Abbs off at school. We know these quiet times of just the two of us are about to look very different! Anyway--that's our story. Hope all is well with y'all out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two Scoops,
You are a STUD. I'm going to try and follow your lead. YOU DA MAN!!
Yours and His, Peter