August 12, 2010

Summer 2010 recap

Originally uploaded by gennabby.
Life happens so fast. I feel like there are 20+ blogposts I could have written this summer, but I have been so so busy just trying to keep up that I simply haven't been able to do it. I'll mention some highlights and chronological order:

Vacation in South Carolina, on the beach. Pearsons, Millers, Udoujs. So much fun!
Abby FINALLY finishes 2nd grade after a week of snow day make-ups. Cruel.
Matty and G celebrate 10th Anniv.
The California Carlsons 5 come for a weekend. YAY!
Genna's computer dies. Hardrive failure.
Matthew has a great year-one review at work.
Rusty nail goes through Matthew's flip flop into his foot. ER/antibiotics and he's all better.
The St. Louis Maynors 4 come for a week! They must LOVE us to make that drive.
Abby gives her violin "Twinkle Twinkle" graduation concert. Brava!
Canoeing for the first time--Pearsons and Maynors. Super fun.
Noah drops his naps and begins potty training. Thanks, Grayson, for inspiring Noah to be a big boy. Too bad about the naps, though.
Abby diagnosed with Lyme Disease. This SUCKS. She's still on antibiotics. I'll write more about that later.
Genna gets food poisoning or the flu. No fun. Everyone else is fine.
Matthew fixes G's computer. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Canoeing with the Steens, and kayaking too!
Matthew's intense bike workouts in the morning make him vomit twice! (This is a first for him. He's really workin' it out there before 7 am!)
Abby picks her new room color. Anyone who knows Abby and me knows this was not an easy process. We agonize over practically imperceptible variations in tone. But we settled on Benjamin Moore Blue Bonnet, tinted at half the formula. It's perfect.
G sends off contract for Noah to start 3 mornings per week of pre-school.

We're making it. We've enjoyed a lot of great highs this summer, and we've also had some unexpected bumps in the road. But we're blessed to live when and where we do. I'll write more soon.

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