Well done! Your hours of presbyterian catechism songs have finally paid off: you now have a theologically correct 4 year old sinner :-) but she's delightful still....
I don't know if we should still come for a visit- talk about a bad influence! What if Lillian begins to not listen to us? Impossible. Our little angel would never - hold on, got to pull Lillian down from the ceiling fan- not listen to us! Can't wait to see yall. Love, Peter
Well done! Your hours of presbyterian catechism songs have finally paid off: you now have a theologically correct 4 year old sinner :-) but she's delightful still....
I don't know if we should still come for a visit- talk about a bad influence! What if Lillian begins to not listen to us? Impossible. Our little angel would never - hold on, got to pull Lillian down from the ceiling fan- not listen to us!
Can't wait to see yall. Love, Peter
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