January 23, 2010


Life is full, fast, and has all the trimmings. Except family and close friends. And down time.
This makes me very very lonely.

I've decided that I do not like winter. Or maybe winter is just fine, but I do not like being cold. I can't seem to get warm and I've promised myself hundreds of times that I will not complain about being too hot in the summer time ever again.

We've had a bit of a rough transition to Abby's new school. Three weeks in and she does like her teacher and new friends, but she tells me often that things just don't feel right. She misses her old friends, her Davis friends. Two weeks ago she got a migraine at school. This last week she missed her school bus stop because she was reading. We've endured some tears, but I am hoping that thing will get better soon. We've tried to make this weekend lots of fun: I took her to the movies on Friday night and Saturday night she had a sleepover here with a new friend. Today she has been invited to another girl's house for a playdate. We might just say yes to that too.

Figaro update: I am not the biggest fan of having a pet. I thought I would love it, but I don't. I can't stand that the cat is a cat: he claws furniture, he poops in a box in my house, he jumps on the table--where we eat--with the same paws that step in his litter box. I am grossed out. What was I thinking? I used to love my cat when I was a kid, but now I recall that he was an outdoor cat and very low maintenance. What do I do now?

Can I just ask the moms out there: what do you do when you are spent and you want someone else to be in charge for a while? I'm flooded with the emotional and physical needs of my two (healthy and relatively happy) kids--I'm in love with them, and they are comparatively easy when I think of so many families dealing with actual hardships--and yet I am truly tired and I feel dazed.


Sarah said...

I don't have any parenting advice but I can commiserate with the loneliness. I was a lot like Abby every time I moved as a kid and it took me at least 6 months to adjust both times. As far as being lonely for you... Have you guys found a small group yet? We haven't and even though I've made friends I miss having that support and accountability group. I think my parents might like us getting one too- then maybe I'll stop calling them for advice every couple days! Hang in there. Maybe we can come see you soon!

Melody said...

Oh, Genevieive, I will pray for you today! Do not feel poorly about your tiredness and sadness; you are all adjusting and grieving and that physically takes time and energy--as well as emotionally! You are no doubt doing a great job!About the cat-I read something in Reader's Digest a few years ago about training your cat to use the people's toilet-no more litter box! Hang in there--and get some cute, soft socks and sweaters to warm you up--you need different clothes for your different home! May Jesus encourage you, too.

With Love, Melody (Burke) Perkins

Temple of the Blog said...

Genna...I am so with you on this one. We just moved to Dallas and neither David (my husband) or I are adjust well. I am working from home now and by 4 or 5 in the afternoon I feel like curling up in a ball and crying. My only contact with the outside world is via email and the rare outing to Target for food etc. We don't have any friends, the people are different, the culture is different, we hate where we live...we're grieving. I am thinking of you and understand how you feel. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

I totally relate to everything you've written. I feel so blessed to have this amazing house but often feel lonely too and overwhelmed with a one year old and huge house to clean not to mention the hour to an hour and a half commute to work each way. My motto has always been that the first year anywhere new is always hard and then it gets easier, it's almost like the "testing" period. I have been often saying how I want to just get rid of the cats because I can't even close my door at night unless I want them waking us up pulling on the door to come in. Lol! I have the most amazing life full of so many wonderful blessings but this sadness sometimes can dominate it all as much as I don't want it to. Reading and seeing your wonderful family has cheered me up though and I'm praying for more sunshine to shine directly on you so you can warm up and not starve! :) I know Abby will find true lifelong friends it will just take time. I remember the heartfelt tears rolling down my eyes prayer so many years ago to bring me one best friend and God answered and brought me you. What a blessing, I don't know where my life would be if my prayer would not have been answered. I love you so much and I'm hoping God's angels will surround you and encourage you, just to let you know that you are so not alone! Godspeed. HUG! With love, Christina