September 15, 2005

more confusion

As usual, we prayed last night before munching our (yummy thai food) dinner. Many times Abby prays, but this time deferred to Matthew. Apparently he did it wrong.

A: Daddy, you forgot to pray about the orphans and the houses that, that, that the water went rushing through!
M: OK, we can pray about that...

Matthew then prays about Katrina victims and the many orphans in the world (note: Abby ALWAYS prays about the orphans). Then start eating and Abby chimes in again:

A: Mommy, when you were born, were you a girl?
G: Yes, I was always a girl.
A: Daddy when you were born, were you a girl?
M: No, I was always a boy, even in my mommy's tummy. (pause) Abby, when you were born, you were a.... (waiting for answer)
A: Orphan!

We clarified that this is not true, that she was and is a girl, and not an orphan, thank goodness.

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