January 11, 2009

the other big reason I'm not blogging much...

waiting to see where we end up!
Originally uploaded by gennabby.
We're waiting waiting waiting to hear back from schools that interviewed Matty. We're in that tense moment between interviews and calls for fly-outs. So, we've talked as much as we can about every scenario we can think of, and there's not much more to talk about. All we can do is wait! We're a bit jittery and distracted. It is very hard to give updates, because we don't really have clear updates to give. This week should bring with it some clarity, we hope! So please be praying for us.

In the meantime, we are trying to keep busy, keep distracted from the job search a bit, and focus on how GREAT we have it right now: we're safe, healthy, warm, well provided for with our jobs, weathering this tense time as a family remarkably well, and we know we will be fine no matter what happens! There are tons of families and individuals around the world who know nothing of the peace and comfort we have right now, despite the big wait and the major anticipation. That perspective helps keep us grounded just a little.

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